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The Semantic Knowledge Hub


Where a library simply stores information, a semantic knowledge hub provides a powerful environment that contextualizes information in one place – making it easier for users to find, maintain, and use assets in the future.

Digital Transformation as an accelerator for Semantic Technologies

Customer Success Story

Over a decade in the game: Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory and PoolParty a strong and solid pairing for the ages.

Reducing Support Costs Through Semantic Search in Technical Documentation


Learn how semantic search in technical documentation not only retrieves accurate results and recommends relevant help articles but also helps you reduce support costs.

PoolParty and Microsoft DOCS

Customer Success Story

Microsoft Docs has used the power of knowledge management in PoolParty to efficiently govern and scale up an enterprise AI strategy.

Knowledge Based Recommender Systems

Recorded Webinar

In this webinar we will explain the methodology for knowledge-based recommendations and show how we can apply taxonomies, ontologies and rules to provide recommendations with different levels of expressivity.

Machine Learning Powered Semantic Web – Part II

Recorded Webinar

Watch the second webinar in our series for an overview of the use of Semantic Web technologies in machine learning workflows.

Semantic Web enabled Machine Learning – Part I

Recorded Webinar

Watch our first webinar to get an overview of the use of Semantic Web technologies in Machine Learning workflows.

Personalized Customer Journeys – The Power of Semantics

Recorded Webinar

Watch [A] and the Semantic Web Company as we explore a common use-case in configuring systems to deliver personalized content.

Taxonomies Made Simple: How PoolParty and WAND Accelerate your Content Management Project from Months to Weeks

Recorded Webinar

This on-demand webinar provides an introduction to ontologies and their components and walks through the steps of extending a taxonomy by designing and adding an ontology semantic layer.

From Taxonomy to Ontology

Recorded Webinar

This on-demand webinar provides an introduction to ontologies and their components and walks through the steps of extending a taxonomy by designing and adding an ontology semantic layer.

PoolParty Summit 2021

Recorded Webinar

Get inspired by the PoolParty experience. Engage with experts, partners, and customers’ presentations to unlock the full potential of semantic technologies and 360-degree views.

Open Taxonomy Hub

Taxonomists Sources

Don’t reinvent the wheel and benefit from standards-based knowledge models. Get an overview of publicly available SKOS taxonomies and OWL ontologies, as well as RDF schemas. Make directly use of it when testing or working with PoolParty Semantic Suite.

WAND Taxonomies

Taxonomists Sources

PoolParty has partnered with WAND, Inc. to make kickstarting semantic AI processes easier than ever. Take advantage of WAND’s ready-to-use taxonomies.

Help and Documentation

Product Information

Our documentation provides support from setup to administration to the first steps as a taxonomist. You can also find API description and integration support here.

Getting Started with Taxonomies

Learning Hub, Taxonomists Sources

Whether building from scratch or buying prebuilt taxonomies, PoolParty helps enterprises get started with taxonomies regardless of their industry or use case.