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Taxonomies Made Simple: How PoolParty and WAND Accelerate your Content Management Project from Months to Weeks

Recorded Webinar

This on-demand webinar provides an introduction to ontologies and their components and walks through the steps of extending a taxonomy by designing and adding an ontology semantic layer.

From Taxonomy to Ontology

Recorded Webinar

This on-demand webinar provides an introduction to ontologies and their components and walks through the steps of extending a taxonomy by designing and adding an ontology semantic layer.

PoolParty Summit 2021

Recorded Webinar

Get inspired by the PoolParty experience. Engage with experts, partners, and customers’ presentations to unlock the full potential of semantic technologies and 360-degree views.

Open Taxonomy Hub

Taxonomists Sources

Don’t reinvent the wheel and benefit from standards-based knowledge models. Get an overview of publicly available SKOS taxonomies and OWL ontologies, as well as RDF schemas. Make directly use of it when testing or working with PoolParty Semantic Suite.

WAND Taxonomies

Taxonomists Sources

PoolParty has partnered with WAND, Inc. to make kickstarting semantic AI processes easier than ever. Take advantage of WAND’s ready-to-use taxonomies.

Help and Documentation

Product Information

Our documentation provides support from setup to administration to the first steps as a taxonomist. You can also find API description and integration support here.

Getting Started with Taxonomies

Learning Hub, Taxonomists Sources

Whether building from scratch or buying prebuilt taxonomies, PoolParty helps enterprises get started with taxonomies regardless of their industry or use case.

Connecting Product, Marketing and Sales across the product content lifecycle

Partner Success Story

Read about the dynamic partnership between Tahzoo and Semantic Web Company that revolutionised data and content management.

PoolParty PowerTagging for Adobe Experience Manager Product Sheet


Enterprises who struggle with managing metadata over vast databases can benefit from an automated (and/or semi-automated) tagging process in Adobe Experience Manager, with PoolParty Semantic Suite and the Semantic Booster.

Understand Your Data: How Text Mining with PoolParty drives your Semantic AI

Recorded Webinar

In this on-demand webinar, learn more about the many use cases of Semantic AI and how they can be implemented using the PoolParty Semantic Suite.

Unlocking Digital Transformation with Knowledge Graphs

Recorded Webinar

In this on-demand webinar, we’ll show you how your organization can use Knowledge Graphs to build the right foundation for Data Transformation, reducing time to value for key business use cases, unlocking advanced capabilities with ML and AI, and transforming your growing reservoir of data from a management headache into a core strategic advantage.

Getting Started with Taxonomies

Recorded Webinar

This on-demand webinar looks at the benefits and challenges of both options and suggests a possibly hybrid approach of buying, then modifying a taxonomy.

How Text Mining and Natural Language Processing with PoolParty Drives Your Semantic AI

White paper

The PoolParty Extractor helps companies organize/understand their content. Use this text mining white paper to learn about all its features!

How to Build a Knowledge Graph?

Learning Hub

Knowledge graphs are at the core of many of the tools that we use in our daily lives, such as voice assistants (Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant), intuitive search applications and even online store recommenders.

Tailored User Profiles for Navigable Careers: Ontologies for Knowledge Management in the JobTeaser Suite of Psychometric Tools

Customer Success Story

The JobTeaser platform assesses many aspects ranging from psychology, skill profiles, job definitions, etc. to create rich user profiles about tailored jobs and skills. With such a diverse baseline, JobTeaser requires a sophisticated semantic approach that integrates multiple facets of data, defines concepts, and makes ontological relations.