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Semantic Search

Go beyond standard search with technology that understands user intent and context to retrieve the most relevant results

Making the knowledge and data of an organization available in its daily work is just as much a basic function of a successful company as its energy supply or human resources. Today, search tools are a business standard; if you want to survive in the market with your knowledge-intensive products and stand out from the competition, you have to invest in search tools that make the difference.

Outperfoming standard search

Semantic search delivers results even in those cases where standard search engines deliver only imprecise results or even fail. Semantic search incorporates both user intent and the contextual meaning of terms into the query. On the one hand, this allows for more accurate results, while on the other hand, it also allows for intervention in search facets and search depth.

Semantic search finds results that match the meaning of a user’s query, rather than focusing solely on exact words and phrases. For example, when a user enters the term “Apple,” semantic search recognizes from the context that the user is talking about an electronic device, not a fruit, and because it also uses concepts instead of simple terms, it returns related results for, say, “Mac” – something that is nearly impossible with a pure keyword search.

Features that boost your corporate search

Altogether, our semantic capabilities allow you to transform inconsistent metadata often found in siloed systems into interoperable knowledge graphs that build the foundation for intelligent applications. These applications use your data more effectively so that you can benefit from a more productive workforce and a happier customer base.

Unlocking Data

Harness the data that other engines leave out because of missing metadata, siloed storage, inappropriate structure, or wrong format.

Active Exploration

Queries are not static. They can be expanded, narrowed, refocused and recontextualized. You get control to navigate to the content you are looking for.

Polishing the Metadata

Incorrect or outdated metadata is semantically corrected, enriched, and mapped to make the corresponding content available for search again.

Adapt to the user

Different people ask about the same thing differently. Adapt to the user’s jargon so that the search engine speaks the user’s language and not the other way around.

Arguments that justify your investment

Relevant results in less time

According to IDC, a knowledge worker spends about 30% of their workday searching for information – mainly sifting through long lists of search results. As we see with our customers, this effort can be halved if the results are narrowed down by user and context and the search results are better navigated. So we’re talking about a 10-15% efficiency boost from Semantic Search.

Enable employees

It is a dilemma! You need to know the terminology of a domain to be able to make successful queries. Semantic search puts an end to this, because it translates your query into the jargon of the domain and thus finds content according to meaning and not according to word similarity. This makes knowledge accessible to people outside the domain and enables collaboration between novices and experts.

Data-grounded decision-making

Acting focused and on the basis of a solid knowledge base is key in any decission making – form design to business. Filtering out the noice and keep the access to their own trusted sources is key. Semantic Search delivers actionable data for a solid data-grounded picture of all business objects and processes.

Value to legacy content

After a certain lifetime, old content can become difficult to find because data structures, conventions and formats have changed over time and informal knowledge about it also leaves the company together with colleagues. Semantic search keeps this content connected and thus generates added value again and again, for example, by ensuring that the service department still has older content at hand.

Useful Resources


Agile Taxonomy Management for Customer Satisfaction.

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White Paper:

Healthcare Information System to Australian Citizens using PoolParty Semantic Suite

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See Semantic Search at work and try out the search function at this page!

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Download the success story with our customer Microsoft Docs to learn how to improve the Search Experience in Digital Documentation with Knowledge Graphs