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Master your Enterprise Knowledge

Knowledge Hubs at the Center of your Information Architecture

Enterprise Knowledge Graphs – Transforming Data into Knowledge


Andreas Blumauer, CEO & Co-Founder, Semantic Web Company

Atanas Kiryakov, CEO & Founder, Ontotext


December 6, 2022





Knowledge Hubs to Master your Enterprise

Knowledge hubs provide integrated and holistic views of the originally siloed and disjointed information scattered throughout an organization. Knowledge hubs are built on a knowledge graph, which can be understood as a multi-dimensional search index that can even be used to uncover hidden knowledge.

Developing Knowledge Graphs to form the base of a solid Knowledge Hub

In this webinar, two pioneers and experienced company founders and CEOs explain the strategic importance of developing knowledge graphs in the enterprise as an essential building block for any information architecture and AI strategy.

Knowledge graphs are not only the foundation for knowledge hubs, but also for many other cognitive applications (document intelligence, recommender systems, …) that your company is probably currently planning to develop or has already developed. Using different use cases, we will describe how knowledge hubs can be used and how the underlying knowledge graphs are furthermore used in different industries.

We will also present the key success factors in developing, operating and evolving knowledge graphs, which make a real difference compared to mainstream enterprise search:

    • Formal domain knowledge that allows for intelligent interpretation of the meaning of the information and deriving deeper insights
    • Semantic metadata that augments documents, and other information artifacts, with formal descriptions using, and referring to, the domain knowledge model
    • Text analysis tools that allow for the automatic generation of the semantic metadata
    • Tools for evaluation of the text analysis models and quality control
    • Enterprise-grade storage and indexing infrastructure 


Andreas Blumauer

Andreas Blumauer

CEO & Co-Founder, Semantic Web Company

Andreas Blumauer is CEO and co-founder of Semantic Web Company (SWC), the provider and developer of the PoolParty Semantic Platform. With headquarters in Vienna, Austria, but operating globally, SWC has worked with over 200 commercial, government, and non-profit organizations to deliver AI and semantic search solutions, knowledge platforms, content hubs, and related data modeling and integration services. SWC was named to KMWorld’s prestigious list of “100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management” from 2016 to 2021 and has been named multiple times in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions and as a Sample Vendor in their Hype Cycle for Natural Language Technologies.

In his role as CEO, Andreas is responsible for both the strategic growth of the company and its organizational evolution toward a highly focused customer orientation. SWC has grown every year since its inception under his leadership, and has been able to develop a cutting-edge and unique software platform that is ISO 27001 certified, and deployed globally across a number of key industries.

A high profile partner network has been built around this platform, implementing scalable semantic AI platforms for his clients, many of whom are among the largest and most innovative companies in their industries.

Atanas Kiryakov

Atanas Kiryakov

CEO & Founder, Ontotext

Atanas Kiryakov is the founder and CEO of Ontotext and member of the board of the Linked Data Benchmarking Council – standardization body, who’s members include the major graph database vendors.

Kiryakov obtained his M.Sc. degree in AI from the Sofia University, Bulgaria, in 1995. Today he is a top expert in semantic graph databases, reasoning, knowledge graphs, text mining, semantic tagging, linking and search. Author of signature academic publications with more than 2500 citations. Atanas is partner and board member in Sirma Group Holding – one of the biggest Bulgarian IT businesses, listed at the Sofia Stock Exchange. Atanas started in Sirma as software engineer in 1993 and became a partner in 1997. In the 90s he has led projects in the areas of CASE, CSCW, and b2b for big corporations and government organizations in US and Canada.