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White paper: Market 360 – Gain Competitive Intelligence with 360-degree Views

White paper

Read how companies, using Market 360 on the basis of knowledge graphs, can understand the relevant markets and segments in terms of upcoming trends, current developments, their own positioning and the positioning of competitors to gain competitive intelligence. With 360-degree views of their market, you can develop new ways of communicating to customers in order to better meet their expectations and needs.

PoolParty Release and Integration Strategy

Product Information

Learn more about PoolParty support editions and versioning in our strategy paper.

Boost your Customer Experience in AEM with Auto Tagging

Recorded Webinar

Watch our on-demand webinar to find out how you can automatically tag content in Adobe Experience Manager easily and cost-effectively.

The Key To Successful Digital Transformation

Recorded Webinar

Watch our on-demand webinar and learn how Enterprise 360 helps to better address individual information needs and contexts, providing relevant information about products, markets, customers, as well as related knowledge and learning content.

White paper: Benefit from Enterprise 360

White paper

Learn about the four key areas identified by the Semantic Web Company where 360 Views can help you move your business forward.

From Taxonomies to Recommendation Systems

Recorded Webinar

Watch Heather Hedden in this on-demand webinar to learn how to build your own taxonomy-based recommendation system from scratch.

White Paper: What is Taxonomy Management

White paper

As enterprises continue to struggle with the increasing volume of data created, it is abundantly clear that a structured way to organize and find information is the only way enterprises can remain agile in such a competitive market. What is the role of taxonomy management in this scenario?

Improving Customer Satisfaction With Agile Taxonomy Management

Customer Success Story

See how Insider Intelligence offers customers smarter and faster search results using agile taxonomy management in PoolParty Semantic Suite.

The Semantic Content Hub

Recorded Webinar

Watch this on-demand webinar with CEO Andreas Blumauer to learn the different semantic tools you can have under your belt to manage your unstructured data and reap the benefits of a comprehensive knowledge graph.

Improving Customer Satisfaction With Agile Taxonomy Management

Recorded Webinar

Watch this webinar to learn how one of our customers allows business users to manage taxonomies and respond to customer information demand in real-time.

Taxonomies, Knowledge Graphs, and AI

Recorded Webinar

This webinar will present how taxonomies, ontologies, and knowledge graphs help to provide more accurate and richer results in all cases of search, browse, and recommendations.

PoolParty 8.0 Release: Extracting Added Value from Heterogeneous Data Sources in Companies

Recorded Webinar

Watch our webinar and learn how PoolParty 8 can help your company extract more value from data to improve decision-making, reduce costs and be more competitive.

Build Knowledge Graphs at Scale with PoolParty 8 and GraphDB

Recorded Webinar

Watch this webinar on-demand to learn the benefits of having GraphDB as a built-in database in terms of performance and reliability.

QA Systems by Andreas Blumauer

Short videos on Semantic AI

Watch Andreas Blumauer, CEO of Semantic Web Company, author of The Knowledge Graph Cookbook and keynote speaker at KMWorld Connect 2020 in this video on QA Systems.

Have a Conversation With Your Data!

Presentation Slides

Download these slides to learn more about how combining knowledge graphs and natural language processing to develop question-answering systems will help you have a conversation with your data.