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White paper: Customer 360 – Personalize Customer Experience with 360-degree Views

White paper
A 360-degree customer view means being able to see your customers from all sides, including their every interaction with your company, from the first contact form they submitted to their most recent support ticket. Being able to thoroughly understand customers from all these interactions is key for any business to personalize customer experience.

By collecting data about your customer along the customer life cycle, you will be able to understand what they need and how they feel at every step of the way. That knowledge will allow you to create fantastic customer experiences that make your business more competitive and lead to better results.

In this article, we explain how a customer 360 view enables you to understand and speak the language of your customers, personalize customer experience with relevant recommendations, quickly answer your customers’ questions, and create products and services that meet their needs.

Have a sneak peek at the topics to be discussed:

  • One of the four Pillars that make up Enterprise 360
  • What is a Knowledge Graph?
  • The Customer Life Cycle
  • Understand your Customer’s Language
  • Personalize Experience with Accurate Recommendations
  • Answer your Customers’ Questions
  • Build the right Products and Services
  • Customer 360 in Enterprise 360

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