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Taxonomy Management 101

Discovering the Benefits of Taxonomies


Heather Hedden, Data and Knowledge Engineer at Semantic Web Company

Taxonomy Management 101

The uses and benefits of taxonomies are almost endless: search or browse on website, intranets, and in enterprise content management systems, sorting or filtering results, discovery of related information, content workflow management, visualization of topics, curated content in feeds or info boxes, recommendation systems, and question-answering systems. As taxonomies become more common for information management and retrieval in all kinds of organizations and in various applications, the task of creating new taxonomies from scratch is less needed than the task of managing existing taxonomies

Do you want to learn how you can take advantage of some of these many features associated with taxonomies? Join our webinar ‘Taxonomy Management 101’ to hear all things about taxonomy management and how you can benefit from it. 

Watch Heather Hedden, Data and Knowledge Engineer at the Semantic Web Company and author of the book The Accidental Taxonomist, cover various aspects of taxonomy management, including: 

  • Regular taxonomy maintenance
  • Taxonomy governance and documentation 
  • Management of taxonomy tagging 
  • Taxonomy integration with end-user applications (including semantic search         and recommender systems)
  • Periodic taxonomy review and revision
  • Various methods of extending a taxonomy (including linking taxonomies and             adding a semantic ontology layer). 

An understanding of the taxonomy management tasks makes it easier for an organization to determine resources of subject matter experts, contract taxonomists, a staff taxonomist, or a taxonomy consultant. Learning from the perspective of a taxonomy expert, you can use this webinar to explore the many benefits of a dedicated taxonomy/thesaurus management tool.


Heather Hedden

Heather Hedden

Data and Knowledge Engineer, Semantic Web Company

Heather Hedden is a Data and Knowledge Engineer with Semantic Web Company Inc., vendor of PoolParty Semantic Suite software for developing taxonomies, ontologies, knowledge graphs, and semantic search applications.

Heather has 25 years of experience in developing and managing taxonomies and other knowledge organization systems for various organizations and applications, both as an employee and as a consultant. She provides training in taxonomy creation and is author of the book The Accidental Taxonomist.