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Semantic Web Company Highlighted in 2023 Gartner Reports

December 20, 2023


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To round off a very busy year, Semantic Web Company (SWC) is proud to celebrate the 2023 Gartner reports that cited SWC and PoolParty as reputable sources in the tech space. PoolParty was noted for its technical capabilities as well as its compatibility and competencies to support specific industries.

Following a stream of publications to the Hype Cycles in August, SWC was featured in the following additional Cycles:

SWC is also happy to be mentioned in various reports that summarize specific market needs. These include:

Market Guide for Active Metadata Management (Guido De Simoni, Mark Beyer)

This report provides a definition and key findings/trends for the metadata management. Here, they define active metadata management as a “set of capabilities that enables continuous access and processing of metadata that support ongoing analysis over a different spectrum of maturity, use cases and vendor solutions.” SWC was recognized as a Sample Vendor in this report for its abilities in the PoolParty middleware (namely, Taxonomy and Entity Extractor) as well as PoolParty for SharePoint.

Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Cloud Computing (Sharat Menon)

This report acknowledges the disruption that Generative AI has had on the global market, and summarizes the implications for cloud computing while posing new opportunities and recommendations for emerging technologies. One such technology related to Semantic AI is data fabric which the Gartner analysts describe as an “architectural pattern that utilizes various data management technologies, such as data catalogs, data integration, data virtualization, orchestration and knowledge graph tools.” The data fabric is cited as advantageous because it can continuously capture metadata as new data/documents are added to the cloud over time.

SWC is cited as a Sample Vendor in this regard.

Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Data and Analytics (Sharat Menon)

 This report addresses new technologies and trends that apply to data and analytics – citing the augmentation and automation of data management tasks as one of the bigger frustrations and thus drivers for the market going forward.

The report says, “Advancements in data fabric, data mesh and graph technologies are core to new data integration.” SWC’s offerings fit precisely these needs and is listed as a Sample Vendor in Semantic Business Layer and Data Fabric. SWC is especially happy to be included as a vendor for the semantic layer, which coincide with our company solution for a knowledge hub. The knowledge hub utilizes the semantic layer (that is data assets and how they relate to business entities/stakeholders) to unify company data and documents so that it can be easily accessed and used by the relevant employees. It provides company-wide consistency and factual fidelity as well as data governance.

Read more about the Semantic Business Layer on our solutions page >


Altogether, Semantic Web Company is happy to be included in these various reports by Gartner. Each of these stress the importance of implementing semantic technologies in order to overcome limitations and create a competitive business strategy.

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