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On-Demand Webinar

From Taxonomies to Recommendation Systems


Heather Hedden, Data and Knowledge Engineer, Semantic Web Company

From Taxonomies to Recommendation Systems

According to Harvard Business Review, recommendation engines are the single most important distinction between “born digital” companies and legacy companies. While most organizations produce large amounts of data, very few are able to use that information to generate valuable insights. This is where recommender systems come into play, as they can provide the most relevant content to their users.

In this on-demand webinar, you will learn how to build your own taxonomy-based recommendation system from scratch. The taxonomy is a crucial aspect to the recommendation system, requiring proper creation and management. This approach will allow you to build recommendation engines that you can understand and better maintain than by using machine learning alone.

Watch Heather Hedden, Data and Knowledge Engineer at the Semantic Web Company and author of the book The Accidental Taxonomist, to go through the steps needed to build a recommendation system using the PoolParty Semantic Suite.

Heather will explain how the HR Recommender works, a PoolParty “matchmaking” tool designed to connect employees with their coworkers, show them relevant projects, and let them know about interesting career opportunities within their organization.


Heather Hedden

Heather Hedden is a Data and Knowledge Engineer with Semantic Web Company Inc., vendor of PoolParty Semantic Suite software for developing taxonomies, ontologies, knowledge graphs, and semantic search applications.

Heather has 25 years of experience in developing and managing taxonomies and other knowledge organization systems for various organizations and applications, both as an employee and as a consultant. She provides training in taxonomy creation and is author of the book The Accidental Taxonomist.