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Top Five Reasons Why You Should Attend the PoolParty Summit 2023

March 1, 2023

Angela DaSilva

Angela DaSilva

Content Strategist


All Blog posts

The PoolParty Summit 2023 has already passed but you can still watch the recordings. Head over to our Summit page for all the videos!

The PoolParty Summit 2023 is a two day event celebrating all things PoolParty. Geared towards PoolParty users, partners, and the general semantic web community, the Summit allows attendees to see how semantic technologies work in real-life use cases, from the hands of the people working directly with the software. 

This second edition of the Summit is revving up to be even more successful than the first one held in 2021. We have many things in store that can’t all be spelled out in one go. 

However, we do want to list out the top 5 reasons you should definitely want to attend. Before we start, we should also mention that the PoolParty Summit 2023 is totally free, but more about that later.

A colorful roster of companies and speakers.

Whether through joint presentations or solo talks, we have over 30 speakers scheduled for the Summit. 

Big names like PayPal, Harvard Business School, British Telecom and more. We have speakers from the Green Climate Fund, International Finance Corporation, and Avalara. All of which are customers of PoolParty and are using the software quite extensively to help remedy their problems associated with knowledge management. 

It’s important to note that our speakers come from different industries and backgrounds, so there’s something to take away from everyone. 

We are also proud to have many of our partners being represented at the Summit. Our partners will speak to the merits of their products and services, and the added value of working together with PoolParty to create joint offerings. Attendees can stay tuned for demos on these joint solutions and more. 

Many of these partners will also hold their own virtual exhibition booths in the event hub, so attendees have the opportunity to check out their products, download information, and chat with representatives.

Of course, we have various talks coming from our internal team.

CEO Andreas Blumauer will open the PoolParty Summit with a presentation that foreshadows the inspiring talks to come, and highlights the major themes of the Summit such as the new digital workplace, ESG, and intelligent content.

The Research team will also have a couple of presentations, both as a solo and in a joint presentation with our partner Oxford Semantic Technologies.

Our Data & Knowledge Engineers will present about taxonomies as well as our new product PoolParty for SharePoint.

Our Software Engineering department will also present a deep dive into the features of our most recent software release PoolParty 2022.

Our CINO will present with our partner Squirro how they have combined cognitive search and knowledge graphs to form an AI platform.


Join us at the PoolParty Summit 2023!


In our second edition of the PoolParty Summit, we’re bringing you 20+ talks from speakers like PayPal, Green Climate Fund, Avalara, and many more.

A jam-packed agenda.

Our speakers are bringing an incredible agenda that covers a wide variety of topics. While these sessions all fall within the main talking points of the Summit, they all touch on different aspects of the PoolParty experience. 

Some speakers will talk about how they’ve used taxonomies to build systems that help them work more effectively, others will tell you how they have used knowledge graphs to help in product and content supply chains, others will give you demos of technical features and how-to’s. 

We look forward to each of our talks, but here are some titles to inspire you: 

  • Portfolio knowledge discovery at the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
  • How to Train your (artificial) Brain: the IFC’s MALENA case
  • Knowledge Management and the Great Resignation
  • PoolParty for SharePoint: An Integration for Smarter Search
  • Data-Driven Content Management: How data can drive and automate the content supply chain
  • Bringing Together Taxonomies and Terminologies
  • Women in High-Tech Panel
  • Taxonomy: From Development to Deployment – and Beyond
  • Semantic User Assistance for Big Content
  • How to Grow a Graph Community: Tales from the BT Graph Guild

Aside from these sessions, there’s more to offer, and plenty for everyone.

Themes that resonate.

This blog has already alluded to the PoolParty Summit 2023 being driven by major themes – or tracks – that the general online community is paying attention most to.  

In preparing for the Summit, our research pointed towards what Gartner calls “turbulent times”  –  in other words, all the shifts society has had to make in the face of the pandemic, wars, recessions, and so on.   

Industry leaders are forecasting that tech, and specifically AI, will be one of the major factors that allow organizations to move on past their hurdles and ensure they can keep winning successes despite it all. 

Our content track Workplace Productivity takes a look at the new digital workplace, and how companies have used PoolParty to create sustainable workplaces and structures.

The Intelligent Content track dives into all things content management –  how users have turned hard-to-use unstructured data into content that is workable, reusable, and publishable.

And of course, because we are a technology company, our final track is all about the tech. You will see demos on PoolParty and our partners’ software, get information about features and product roadmaps, and more.

100% Free.

All of this comes at no cost to you. The PoolParty Summit 2023 is completely free, and only requires a simple registration to the online event tool. You can enjoy 20 different talks from over 30 speakers without paying a cent. 

Not only will you hear insightful stories from industry leaders and technology experts, you will also learn more about the technological capabilities of Semantic AI. If you are not so familiar with semantic technologies but want to dive deeper into the subject, you can get a free crash course from the people who use it.

Online and on-demand.

The PoolParty Summit is fully online so you can join from anywhere in the world. The event spans across the afternoon and evening European time, and in the morning/early afternoon in the Americas. 

Participants can feel free to attend all of the sessions, or bookmark a select few depending on their interests. 

People who are interested in the Summit but can’t attend it live, should not worry either! All the sessions will also be recorded so they can be accessed on-demand once the Summit is over. 

The PoolParty Summit 2023 is a great opportunity for people to meet on topics of Semantic AI and hear powerful testimonies of users’ experience with PoolParty. There is surely something for everyone at the Summit.

The PoolParty Summit 2023 has already passed but you can still watch the recordings.
Head over to our Summit page for all the videos!

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