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Fully SKOS and SKOS-XL Compliant

Benefit from standards-based knowledge modelling. Avoid vendor lock-In.

Knowlegde graph image

Start with a Simple Knowledge Organization System

  • SKOS compliant: PoolParty fully supports W3C’s Semantic Web Standards like SKOS, RDF, and SPARQL.
  • SKOS-XL: extend the expressiveness of your SKOS taxonomy. Make use of PoolParty’s user-friendly SKOS-XL editor.
  • Visualization: PoolParty provides several tools to visualize a SKOS taxonomy.
  • Grow with us: SKOS is simple but efficient. If you need more expressiveness, extend your schema!

SKOS Validation

  • PoolParty SKOS Quality Checker: allows you to perform automated quality checks on controlled vocabularies.
  • Avoid inconsistencies: qSKOS is able to make checks on over 20 quality issues.
  • Quality Management in PoolParty: qSKOS is integrated in PoolParty.
  • W3C recommendationqSKOS is recommended by W3C. Deliver SKOS. 100%!
PoolpParty quality report image

SKOS and PoolParty

PoolParty is built around SKOS. It’s not just exporting SKOS.
The built-in validator makes sure you deliver SKOS. 100%!