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Semantic Web Company Holds First Ever PoolParty Summit 2021

November 5, 2021


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The PoolParty Summit 2021 was an online event designed to encourage participants and speakers interested in the semantic web to talk more deeply about their semantic technology experiences with each other and the PoolParty team. A first for the Semantic Web Company in terms of hosting and showcasing a totally virtual conference like this one, the PoolParty Summit 2021 is a well celebrated milestone in the company’s history.

With over 800 registrants and a couple hundred participants in attendance at various points throughout the day, the Summit was a great success. Partners, customers, and experts presented exciting use cases about the semantic web and PoolParty, and engaged in lively Q&A panel discussions and input sessions with attendees.

To read more about the Summit, check out our blogs

With a mixture of partner-related events, taxonomy tutorials, research presentations, and keynote speeches, SWC was well represented in all areas of the conference. To read more about the individual talks and quotes from our participating colleagues, check out our blog!


About the PoolParty Summit 2021

The PoolParty Summit 2021 connects people to understand how users of PoolParty are benefitting from their specific applications of the software across various industries and needs. Participants become part of the semantic web community to draw insights from meaningful success stories and identify next steps to get the most out of their PoolParty experience.

The PoolParty Summit is all about taking the semantic AI experience to a whole new level.


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