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Taxonomies Made Simple

How PoolParty and WAND Accelerate your Content Management Project from Months to Weeks


Ross Leher, CEO, WAND Inc.

Julia Klezl, Data and Knowledge Engineer, Semantic Web Company

Taxonomies made Simple

In a world run by data, many organizations struggle to effectively keep track of and use all the data that their company is producing. The inability to access and implement all of the documents, data, and knowledge floating around an organization can cause some real issues for them.

Make Accumulated Data more Accessible and Reusable with Taxonomies.

Taxonomies are growing in popularity and necessity as organizations begin to address the headache that is data organization. With a taxonomy, content is tagged, classified, and can be searched and even recommended!

Semantic Web Company has been helping organizations manage their taxonomies based on a semantic framework for over 15 years. WAND Inc. has been creating curated taxonomies for over thirty-five years. Both companies have now partnered to make knowledge management easier than ever.

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how the combination of WAND curated industry taxonomies and Semantic Web Company’s taxonomy, text mining, semantic search, and knowledge graph solutions reduces the time to value by up to 90% for knowledge management projects.

The barriers of creating taxonomies from scratch, which have previously caused significant delays to enterprise content management projects, have been eliminated.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • What taxonomies are and why are they useful?
  • What does a taxonomy in PoolParty Semantic Suite look like?
  • Which options do you have to build taxonomies?
  • Overview of WAND’s curated industry taxonomies
  • A case study and a demo of how PoolParty and WAND work together
Ross Leher

Ross Leher


CEO, WAND, Inc. Ross Leher is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WAND, Inc. Mr. Leher, whose background includes international commerce, trade, and retailing, has a proven record of growing innovative businesses in highly competitive markets.

WAND has developed structured vocabularies with related tools and services to improve the performance of 140+ enterprise applications. WAND’s Taxonomy Library contains more than 100 domain specific taxonomies WAND data can be integrated into a wide variety of enterprise applications. Mr. Leher is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in Economics.

Julia Klezl

Julia Klezl

Data and Knowledge Engineer, Semantic Web Company

Julia Klezl is a Data and Knowledge Engineer with Semantic Web Company, vendor of PoolParty Semantic Suite software for developing taxonomies, ontologies, knowledge graphs, and semantic search applications.

In her role, she accompanies customers on their PoolParty journey. Before working for Semantic Web Company, Julia studied Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg.