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The Art of Developing Valuable Employee Journeys

Unite your data with 360-degree views


Laurie Gray, RGP
Amber Simpson, Walmart US Learning
François Violette, JobTeaser
Heather Hedden, Semantic Web Company
Joseph Hilger, Enterprise Knowledge

In today’s dynamic work environment where spaces are changing from remote to hybrid to in-office, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to navigate and optimize the employee journey for better business value. Both in early acquisition stages and in later skill development, success for many organizations is largely dependent on being able to understand different business aspects from all sides.

An emerging approach called Enterprise 360 refers to this exact understanding – where organizations can implement enterprise knowledge graphs to achieve 360-degree views of business relating to customers, employees, products, and services. Critical within this 360 world of integrated data, is Employee 360, which offers a connected view of all aspects of an organization’s most valued asset, their people, including each employee’s complete background and work experience, recruiting, onboarding, learning and development, retention, and separation.

Employee 360 aims to understand each of these aspects while answering some of the following crucial questions:

  • What if you had the insight and intelligence to train or hire employees to fill a future gap?
  • What if your employees could assemble a customized curriculum of flexible learning in order to perform better and attain their career goals?
  • What if you could find patterns in what characteristics your most successful employees share in order to more effectively target your recruiting and development efforts?


Watch our webinar where we invite our very exciting panel of guest speakers to see how Employee 360 is helping various organizations foster a positive employee journey that directly impacts both employee and business outcomes alike. Develop intelligent HR processes with knowledge graphs powered by 360-degree views!


Laurie Gray

Laurie Gray

Vice President, Customer Experience

Laurie Gray is an experienced leader with deep expertise in successful user-centered product design, development and launch. She consistently helps individuals and teams think and work differently in pursuit of innovation. She blends her training in psychology, education, and agile approaches and combines it with deep expertise in user experience consulting, technical knowledge, business acumen and ability to motivate people to bring novel, successful and human-centered approaches to the creation and launch of new products.


Amber Simpson

Amber Simpson

Sr. Mgr Learning Content & Design - Knowledge Management

Amber Simpson has more than 28 years of experience in Learning & Development including Facilitation, Instructional Design, Learning Architecture, and Learning Technology. She and her team currently support the learning knowledge management efforts for Walmart US Learning, the biggest corporate learning organization in the US supporting all 1.6 million Walmart US associates. During Amber’s tenure, she has spearheaded the design and creation of a learning metadata management solution that creates a mapping standard against learning objectives and competencies, thus reducing redundancies, identifying learning gaps, and enabling search and recommended content.

François Violette

François Violette

Senior Information Architect

François Violette is a seasoned information professional with more than 10 years of experience in technical writing, content, and systems design. François has a track record of helping rising organizations harness the complex challenges of content and lead multi-disciplinary teams to success. He teaches ergonomics applied to content design at the University of Paris.

Heather Hedden

Heather Hedden

Data and Knowledge Engineer

Heather Hedden is a Data and Knowledge Engineer with Semantic Web Company Inc., vendor of PoolParty Semantic Suite software for developing taxonomies, ontologies, knowledge graphs, and semantic search applications. Heather has 25 years of experience in developing and managing taxonomies and other knowledge organization systems for various organizations and applications, both as an employee and as a consultant. She provides training in taxonomy creation and is author of the book The Accidental Taxonomist.

Joseph Hilger

Joseph Hilger

COO at Enterprise Knowledge, LLC

A senior technologist with expertise in search, content management, and unstructured information. He focuses on creating solutions that have a meaningful impact for his clients.