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Short Screencasts outline PoolParty features

July 19, 2010


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We have three screencasts available that give a quick overview over PoolParty and how to use it to create thesauri and utilize them for working with tag recommendations, document analysis, linked data, etc. Each screencast also uses a different theme for the GUI, which you can choose and switch at any time.

The first screencast in the series shows how simple it is to do SKOS thesaurus management in your browser with PoolParty’s comfortable editor:


In the second episode you will see how PoolParty’s tag recommendaqtion works in combination with automatic document analysis and entity extraction, and who natural language processing step can be utilized to semi-automatically extend your thesauri. You will also learn about the possiblities
for semantic search and document similarity recommendations


The third screencast shows how Linked Data can help with creating a richer thesaurus and how PoolParty provides effortless Linked Data publishing so your thesauri can automatically become part of the LOD cloud.


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